Category_MWW Blog>The Apostrophe
Plural Versus Possessive
When you are signing your holiday cards this year for your family, be sure you do not add an apostrophe to your name. You are a group of people; you want the plural of your name; you are not indica...
Abbreviations and the Past Tense
When you have an abbreviation that is used as a verb in the past tense, add just
apostrophe d.
...He was ID'd immediately.
...The report showed that he had OD'd.
For the -ing ending, use the full...
Singular Possessive
Add apostrophe "s" to the singular form of the word to make it possessive -- without
regard to pronunciation or spelling. This is the simplest and most consistent way to deal
with these forms.
The Plural and the Apostrophe of a Proper Name
When a proper name has the word "the" in front of it, it has to be plural. My husband
and I are NOT "the Wells." We are "the Wellses." If you are talking about us, it is just
plural; if you are tal...
"Each Other" and "One Another"
There is a grammar principle here:
Use each other with two; use one another with three or more.
Remember that, when making a word possessive, everything in front of the apostrophe has to be a wor...
Category_MWW Blog>The Apostrophe
Back from Alaska
Well, I must say the cruise to Alaska lived up to its glowing reputation. It was wonderful.
I cannot tell you, however, how many mistakes we saw on the ship, at the hotel, et cetera.
In the shelf...
"Each other's" or "Each others' "??
I saw this in an article online today. Where does the apostrophe go?
If you remember that everything in front of the apostrophe has to be a word, you know that it cannot be each others' because th...
Plural Possessives
Remember the rule: When the plural form of a word ends in s -- most of them do -- add only an apostrophe to this PLURAL form of the word to make it possessive. So in order to have s apostrophe, the...
Making "Yes" and "No" Plural
There are a couple of ways to make yes and no plural:
...yeses and noes...
...yes's and no's...
I personally don't like the look of noes because I think it looks like a misspelled word -- maybe n...