Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
Prepositional Phrases at the Beginning
When two prepositional phrases come at the beginning of a sentence, without regard to how long or short each is, there is usually a comma after the second one.
...At the beginning of the night, we...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
Interesting Construction with Dashes and Questions
This is a sentence I was asked about on Facebook. And I have it correctly punctuated here.
Have there been any major stressful events in the last year that you can think of -- divorce? someone, a ...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
Beware of the Dependent Clause That Tries to Deceive You!
This is an issue that is VERY misunderstood. I am copying here the section from my book, beginning on page 401 in the chapter on "Where NOT to Put Punctuation." Normally, I do not copy an entire se...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
Live Seminars Right Here in Los Angeles
Have you noticed that we don't seem to get conventions here in Los Angeles? Why doesn't NCRA come here? Well, we won't go into the possible answers for that question. Instead, here you go!
August ...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
The Word "Please"
The word please takes punctuation according to where it is in relation to what it modifies.
At the beginning of what it modifies, it takes no punctuation after it.
...Please put that notice into ...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
A "Redefining" with "That Is"
Here is a punctuation question from FB that inspired today's blog:
"On examination her lower extremities had normal capillary refill -- that is, normal circulation -- and no trophic changes, in ot...
Category_MWW Blog>General
ZIP Codes
The ZIP code does not take any punctuation in front of it. It goes with the element it follows.
...Los Angeles, California 90045, is the... in Culver City 90230 with...
The comma after th...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
More Than an Interruption -- the Dash!
Because we see it so frequently, we tend to think of the dash as being synonymous with an interruption. We will be more accurate if we think of the dash as marking a break in the sentence structure...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
After "Yes" and "No"
Let's keep it simple:
If the words after "yes" and "no" echo/repeat the words of the question, use a comma.
...Did you clock in that morning as usual?
...Yes, I did.
...No, I did not.
...Were yo...