Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
The Compound Sentence
I am going to start this topic today and will keep coming back to it over the next weeks. The question is what to do with an element that begins a second sentence after an and or but (or, nor).
Category_MWW Blog>The Semicolon
The Adverb Being Used as a Conjunction
This one is from an answer on Facebook to the question of what punctuation these sentences need:
...He worked late on Friday; so he couldn't attend the party.
...She approached the intersection ca...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
The Word "So" -- Again
We continue to struggle with this word "so" -- so little and so much trouble!!
When "so" means "in order that" and implies the reason for doing something, it is a subordinate conjunction that begi...
Category_MWW Blog>The Semicolon
Comma Turns Into Semicolon
We all know that there must be a comma in front of a coordinate conjunction that has a complete sentence after it.
...went with her, and she declined the assistance.
...was standing nearby, but th...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
Those "Conjunctive Adverbs" Again
When certain adverbs are pulled out to the front of a sentence and are used to form a bridge -- that is, show a relationship -- between two sentences, they become conjunctions which we call conjunc...
" conjunctions
Those Conjunctive Adverbs
If you followed the conversation on the previous blogs on the word so, you know that a conjunctive adverb needs a period of semicolon in front of it when it starts a new sentence. And that is the k...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
More on the Word "So"
There is a difference of opinion among the "authorities" -- Gregg, Morson, CMOS, et cetera -- regarding the nature of the word so. Some view it as a coordinate conjunction like and and or. Others v...
Category_MWW Blog>The Period
The Word "So"
When the word so means "therefore," it begins a new sentence and needs to be preceded by a semicolon or a period. It NEVER takes a single separating comma after it but can always have something aft...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
Enter the Semicolon
We all know that a comma goes before a coordinate conjunction -- and, but, or, nor -- when there is an independent subject and verb after the conjunction.
...I went with her, but I did not have th...