I have been on Facebook a couple of times in the last couple of days and am seeing away too much of then instead of than!
When there is a comparison word -- that would be the word more or an "-er" on the end of a word -- you want to use the word than.
The word then, which means "next" or "at that time," simply does not work in this comparison construction.
...taller than Bill...
...reads better than Mary...
...makes more than Patti...
...we then delivered it...
...then had to leave...
...went with them then...
Watch the case of the word that follows than. You have to put in the whole clause to determine the form you need.
...taller than I//me...
...taller than I am tall...
...reads better than I/me...
...reads better than I read...
...makes more than I/me...
...makes more than I make...
...likes him better than I/me...
...likes him better than he likes me...
Watch it! These two errors are instantly noticeable. Don't make these errors again!!
Happy punctuating!