A What? A Nominative Absolute

Repeating for Clarification Reading A What? A Nominative Absolute 1 minute Next Punctuation and Parentheses

A nominative absolute is a noun or pronoun followed by a participle.

...the affront forgotten...
...that being said...

The nominative absolute does not have any real function in the sentence.

...They greeted each other warmly, the affront forgotten.
...That being said, I am going to have to elaborate.

The nominative absolute always takes a comma after it when it begins a sentence, in front
of it when it ends a sentence, and around it when it is in the middle of a sentence.

...The project completed, we all went out to dinner and celebrated in a grand fashion.
...We all went out to dinner and celebrated in a grand fashion, the project completed.
...We all went out to dinner, the project completed, and celebrated in a grand fashion.

Happy punctuating!
