Category_MWW Blog>General
A Class on "So"
Just letting you know that I am doing a free class on the word "so" tomorrow at 11:00 A.M. Pacific time. Go to to register.
Happy punctuating!
Category_MWW Blog>General
I did a "free" hour at the beginning of the month on where not to use a comma. That lecture is up on my website at until this Wednesday. If you want to listen, now is the time....
Category_MWW Blog>General
"Into" versus "In To"
There is an instance where either option works, depending upon what you want to say.
If "work" is the physical place, "into" is one word; if "work" is the activity, then "in to" is two words.
Category_MWW Blog>General
Punctuation Class Begins This Weekend
Just a reminder that I am beginning at 20-hour punctuation class this Saturday. It will finish before the CEU deadline in September and has been prequalified by NCRA for a full two CEUs.
The class...
Category_MWW Blog>General
Punctuation When Using Parens
Does the punctuation go inside or out? Is there a cap or not?
...A (Indicating.)
...A Right here (indicating).
The English rule: If the whole thought is inside the parens, the first word i...
Category_MWW Blog>General
New 20-Hour Punctuation Class -- the Last of the Year
My last 20-hour punctuation class of the year will begin on August 13. We will complete this class just before the CEU deadline on September 30. It is divided into ten two-hour sessions, meeting on...
Category_MWW Blog>General
File Extensions
When dealing with file extensions that are said by themselves, there is a lot of variation in the way they are said. We say "JAY-PEG" and "BIT-MAP." For the sake of consistency, it is probably best...
Category_MWW Blog>General
Punctuation Creates a Run-On
To say that the "attorney talks in run-on's" is really not a correct statement. A run-on is created by bad punctuation. No one can "say" a run-on.
Using no punctuation or a comma between two sente...