Category_MWW Blog>General
Link for the Free Class on Commas
Here is the link for the class for tomorrow night:
You should be able to register for the class at this link.
Happy punctuating!
capital letter
Free Class on the Basics of Commas
Through my just-launched Margie Holds Class, I am going to be offering a free class on Tuesday evening, entitled “What Should I Know About Commas?” Truth be known, I want to practice with my new si...
Category_MWW Blog>General
That Pesky Word "So"
One more time...
The word so is normally an adverb.
...I was so very tired that night.
...He was so cranky at the end of the day.
It can also be a conjunction.
It can be the kind of...
Category_MWW Blog>General
You Cannot "Talk" in Run-Ons
Some people have been making this statement: "The attorney just keeps talking in run-ons." He said, "We were together, AND she seemed to be distracted, BUT I didn't say anything to her at the time....
Category_MWW Blog>General
A Note on "Yes" and "No"
When "yes" or "no" is repeated, there are two options: periods or commas. If we want to get technical, if the words are repeated quickly with no pauses, use commas; if the words are said distinctly...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
"Too" and "Also"
The words too and also generally do not need commas with the exception of also at the beginning of the sentence.
Historically too and also had commas before them at the end of the sentence. Si...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
When the Date Is an Adjective...
Take a look at the two basic ways that commas are used: All commas are used to either separate two language elements and push them apart or to surround a language element. The latter implies that t...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
On My Soapbox
A discussion of this construction comes up about once a month. Is there or is there not a comma after "that" in the following sentence.
...I knew that, if I turned right, I'd get there sooner.
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
Bumping Up the Comma to a Semicolon
The rule about "bumping up" the comma to a semicolon in a compound sentence with a coordinate conjunction has to do with obscuring the division in the sentence. Does the other punctuation "hide" t...