
An Extra Wrinkle to the Apostrophe Question

...I went to the Nelson house. OR ...I went to the Nelsons' house. Each of these is correct to say in English. Obviously, the second one has to deal with the possessive whereas the first one does ...

Those Darn Hyphens

If a noun is listed as separate words, then it stays separate words -- and is not hyphenated -- as a direct (right in front of the noun) adjective. ...He is in real estate. ...He is a real estate ...

More Errors in the News on the Internet...

Reading news on the Internet certainly gives me lots of chance to share with all of you. You get to work on your proofreading skills three time in one week and twice today! ...Of the parent's plan...

Proper Nouns Used as Verbs

Generally speaking, a proper noun which is being used as a verb adds the endings with an apostrophe. ...We FedEx'd it on Friday. ...He FedEx's all his packages. ...We will be FedEx'ing it tomorrow...

Singular Possessives...Again

There seem to be so many variations in the way everyone wants to do the singular possessive: apostrophe alone sometimes, apostrophe s sometimes. Does the word end in s? How is it pronounced? The r...

Apostrophe or Hyphen

When there is a quantity, measurement, distance, value, amount that is expressed as a direct adjective (right in front of a noun) AND there is an "s" on the adjective, use an apostrophe "s" when it...

When "Inc" Is Possessive

When the word "Inc." is possessive, it does not take the second comma after it. ...It was Joe Doe Company, Inc.'s employee. Happy punctuating! Margie

Apostrophe "d"

When an abbreviation or a proper name is used as a verb, add apostrophe d for the ending. ...It was later discovered that he had OD'd. ...We Prius'd it for the night instead of taking the big car....

Possessive of "Parent"

Is it my parent's house or my parents' house? Except for a child custody matter, where one parent's rights might be called into question, I am going to say that we use this word in the plural. We d...