Category_MWW Blog>General

A Bit of Grammar on "As Well As"

When "as well as" is used in a negative context, the first "as" should be changed to "so." ...I did as well as expected. ...I did not do so well as expected. ...He reads as well as John. ...He do...
Category_MWW Blog>General

"As Well As"

I have been missing for a while here -- traveling and traveling with a short stop at the hospital in Indy. Very sore leg turned into "I cannot walk!" Turns out it was trochanteric bursitis. I am mu...
Category_MWW Blog>Numbers

Ordinal Numbers in a Date

All dates are transcribed in figures. When the ordinal is added to a date when said -- ...on May 5th... -- it is not good grammar. It is not correct to say the month and date and add the ordinal t...
Category_MWW Blog>The Dash

The Dash

Just the basic rules for the dash. It is the third one that many people don't always remember. There are three basic reasons to use a dash:1. broken sentence structure (This is where the interrupt...
Category_MWW Blog>General

"Turn Into"

This particular phrase, turn into, is an idiom which means "to become." ...When he drinks, he turns into a monster. So with the word turn, unless the meaning is "to become," in to has to be two w...

Commas with the State and the Year

The English rule is that the year is surrounded by commas when it follows the date and that the state is surrounded by commas when it follows the city. ...happened on May 4, 2013, near Tulsa. ...l...

A.M. and P.M.

When the question is "Was that A.M. or P.M.?" the problem with the way the answer looks is solved if you cap both letters. The dictionary gives you an option for caps or lowercase. Choosing caps al...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Quotes and the Words That Get Us Into Them

The term "lead-in words" is used to describe the words that introduce quotes. Traditionally they are ...I said... ...did he ask... ...she replied... ...did you state... Some of the "modern" innov...

Capping Titles in Front of the Name

A rule of thumb, perhaps: When trying to discern whether something is a "title" in front of a name, think of whether it sounds "normal and usual" to walk into a room and say, "Good morning, -----....