Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

Prefixes and Suffixes

The rule is that prefixes and suffixes are added on and made a solid word. However, when the word that has a prefix or suffix is more than one word, the prefix or suffix is attached with a hyphen....
Category_MWW Blog>General


We punctuate a fragment the same way that we punctuate the complete sentence it stands for. This is simply the way the language works. ...A With John. He had been ill. ...A I stayed with John....
Category_MWW Blog>The Dash

Trailing Off

English calls for the dash for trailing off -- a sentence that got started that did not get finished. Many, many reporters are using the ellipsis. When the person uses but before he trails off, th...

Capping the Word "Court" (Part 1)

When the formal name of the court is used, it is capitalized. ...tried in the Superior Court... ...sent to the Court of Appeal... The partial or informal name of the court is not capped. ...sent...
Category_MWW Blog>The Quotation Mark

Question Marks and Quotes

A question came up on Facebook about a question mark inside the quote when the sentence goes on. ...When he asked, "Are you serious?" did you respond in... ...He said something like "Are you comin...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

Adverbial Objective

When a noun answers an adverb question, it is called an adverbial objective. ...left Friday for the lake... ("Friday" tells "when") ...spent four hours there... ("four hours" tells "how long") Th...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Commas and the Year and the Adjective

Are there commas around the year when, with the date, it is a direct adjective? ...the May 15, 2012, letter... ...the August 9, 1939, birth date... The year following the date is always surrounde...
Category_MWW Blog>The Semicolon

The Adverb Being Used as a Conjunction

This one is from an answer on Facebook to the question of what punctuation these sentences need: ...He worked late on Friday; so he couldn't attend the party. ...She approached the intersection ca...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

The Word "Or"

The word or works just like the word and. In a series when the conjunction, the word or, appears between each member of the series, use no commas. ...tan or blue or silver... ...25 or 28 or 31......