Category_MWW Blog>The Comma
Be Wary of That Dependent Clause
You all know this rule: Cardinal Rule No. 1: Put a comma before a coordinate conjunction when it is followed by an independent subject and verb.
But be careful of the dependent clause that LOOKS L...
Category_MWW Blog>Numbers
Already a Unit = No Hyphen
When the word "dollars" is said and there are numbers above a million with the figure and the word, the dollar sign is used, and the combination is considered to be a unit and uses no hyphen. (NOTE...
Category_MWW Blog>General
How Verbatim Do You Want to Be?
Number form in some instances depends upon the answer to the question "How verbatim do you want to be?"
If the witness says "...a hundred fifteen...," whether you put the number into words or figu...
Category_MWW Blog>General
More on the Word "So" -- Even If We Don't Even Want to Go There Again
Facebook had a couple of interesting questions/examples on "so." SO I thought it would be good to take a look at them. This is my answer to the questions about the word "so" in the FB sentence belo...
Category_MWW Blog>The Dash
The "Summary" Dash
There is a little-known dash rule that is called the "summary dash." It is used when a sentence has concluded and a clause refers back to the subject of that sentence. The clause is really an appos...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen
"Full-Time" and "Part-Time"
These two words are hyphenated in the dictionary as adjectives and adverbs. However, as we know, the adjective form in the dictionary is the direct adjective form, i.e., the form right in front of ...
Category_MWW Blog>General
Interesting Rule from the "Chicago Manual of Style"
Another take on the word "so": In 5.210 of CMOS, "Interjections and functional variations": "... most parts of speech may be used as interjections. A word that is classified as some other part of s...
Category_MWW Blog>The Question Mark
Two Questions
Even when said as one thought with NO pause and NO change of the timbre of the voice, this construction takes two question marks.
...Were your car windows open? Do you remember?
...Was y...
Category_MWW Blog>The Question Mark
This Is How It Should Look...
Q No one saw you; is that correct?
A No.
Q "No," it's not correct? Or, "No," no one saw you?
Happy punctuating!