Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Do Not Use a Separating Comma...

Do not use a separating comma after the coordinate conjunctions -- and, but, or, nor -- nor after the one-syllable conjunctive adverbs -- thus, hence, still, then, so, yet. However, don't forget th...
Category_MWW Blog>The Question Mark

"Where are you going? is my question."

When there are two parts to a sentence, one a statement and one a question, it is the part at the end that determines the terminal punctuation. ...My question is where are you going? ...Where are ...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

Why Does "Direct Examination" Not Have a Hyphen?

"Cross-examine" is a verb. As with all words that have a prefix "cross," the word is hyphenated. The noun that comes from it is also hyphenated. There is no verb "direct examine"; therefore, there ...
Category_MWW Blog>General

On This Most Happy Occasion...

Wishing you all a glorious and terrific National Punctuation Day! Let the fun begin. Happy punctuating! Margie
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

A Rather Obscure Dash Rule

When an indefinite pronoun renames one noun, use a comma. ...He saw several books, none of which interested him. ...We looked at three models, each of which had some interesting features. ...I tal...
Category_MWW Blog>The Quotation Mark

More on Quotes

...Did he say things like "I'm not going to keep it " or "I want to sell it " or "I want to lease it out"? Or what did he tell you? No comma after "like" because it is a preposition and the senten...
Category_MWW Blog>The Quotation Mark

Single Quotes

No matter what you might see in the headline of a major newspaper or on the Internet, it is NEVER correct to use single quotes alone. Single quotes always occur inside of double quotes. Happy punc...
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

Hyphenating Adjectives

Remember that the dictionary does not make a distinction for adjectives in regard to hyphenating. The dictionary gives the "direct adjective," right in front of the noun, form only. So if you look ...
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Clauses, Part 2

When dependent clauses are joined by a coordinate conjunction, there is no comma because there is not an independent subject and verb after the conjunction. ...I was more concerned when I got ther...