Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Clauses, Part 1

When two INDEPENDENT clauses are linked by a coordinate conjunction, there is a comma before the conjunction; when there is not an independent clause, independent subject and verb, after the coordi...
More on Hyphens
Category_MWW Blog>The Hyphen

More on Hyphens

Remember that hyphenating words in front of a noun is done to indicate those words form a unit. ...long-range plans... ...old-fashioned ideas... ...five-month-old baby... When the words are alrea...
Category_MWW Blog>General

The Word "That" -- Omitted

We have to be aware when the word "that" is omitted -- which usually makes something a dependent clause, needing no comma, rather than an independent clause, which would need a comma. ...Suppose ...

To Cap or Not to Cap "Social Security"

Generally speaking, unless you add the word "administration," "social security" does not need to be capped. ...He is not old enough for social security. ...I will use my social security for that. ...
Category_MWW Blog>General

"Yes" and "No"

When the attorney is using "yes" and "no" in a generic way -- that is, s/he is not asking for those specific words but is looking for a positive or negative answer -- they are not capped or quoted....
Category_MWW Blog>General

Punctuation Precision This Weekend

Just checking in with a final invitation to join us for a course in punctuation. It is a 20-hour course, divided into two-hour sessions and spread over the next several weeks. At just under $20 per...
Category_MWW Blog>General

"Such As"

The phrase "such as" is punctuated according to the rules of essential/nonessential. ...The sciences such as chemistry and physics are viewed to be... ...Cars such as Ford and GM are beyond... .....
Category_MWW Blog>General


Percentages are always in figures and are never hyphenated as adjectives. ...A 72 percent increase is excessive. ...I disagree with the 4 percent figure. Happy punctuating! Margie
Category_MWW Blog>The Comma

Tag Clauses

A recent FB answer to why the first kind of tag clauses take a comma and why there cannot be a comma before the word "right" by itself. "Didn't you' and "has he" echo the words of the question. Th...